Given the name of a mental health self-report scale and sent here to complete it?
Want to try one or more on your own?
AQ | Autism-Spectrum Quotient - Adult |
ASRM | Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale |
ASRS-v1.1 | Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale |
AUDIT | Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test |
BIQ | Body Image Questionnaire Weekly |
BPQ | Borderline Personality Questionnaire |
DAST-10 | Drug Abuse Screening Test |
DES-II | Dissociative Experiences Scale - II |
ESS | Epworth Sleepiness Scale |
GAD-7 | Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 Item |
HAI | Health Anxiety Inventory |
MDQ | Mood Disorder Questionnaire |
OCI-R | Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory - Revised |
PCL-5 | PTSD Checklist |
PDSS-SR | Panic Disorder Severity Scale Self-Report |
PHQ-15 | Patient Health Questionnaire - Physical Symptoms |
PHQ-9 | Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 Item |
SAST-R | Sexual Addictions Screening Test - Revised |
SIAS | Social Interaction Anxiety Scale |
WFIRS-S | Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale - Self-Report |
WSAS | Work and Social Adjustment Scale |
WSR-II | Weiss Symptom Record II |
WURS-25 | Wender Utah Rating Scale - 25 Item |
YMRS | Young Mania Rating Scale |
ASRS-v1.1 | Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale |
GAD-7 | Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 Item |
MDQ | Mood Disorder Questionnaire |
PCL-5 | PTSD Checklist |
PHQ-9 | Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 Item |
ASRM | Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale |
MDQ | Mood Disorder Questionnaire |
PHQ-9 | Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 Item |
YMRS | Young Mania Rating Scale |
DES-II | Dissociative Experiences Scale - II |
GAD-7 | Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 Item |
HAI | Health Anxiety Inventory |
OCI-R | Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory - Revised |
PCL-5 | PTSD Checklist |
PDSS-SR | Panic Disorder Severity Scale Self-Report |
SIAS | Social Interaction Anxiety Scale |
ASRS-v1.1 | Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale |
WFIRS-S | Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale - Self-Report |
WSR-II | Weiss Symptom Record II |
WURS-25 | Wender Utah Rating Scale - 25 Item |
Self-report scales are for screening purposes only, and must be interpreted by a qualified health professional in conjunction with clinical assessment. They cannot be used alone for diagnostic or treatment purposes.
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