Mental Health Scales

Given the name of a mental health self-report scale and sent here to complete it?
Want to try one or more on your own?

AQAutism-Spectrum Quotient - Adult
ASRMAltman Self-Rating Mania Scale
ASRS-v1.1Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
AUDITAlcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
BIQBody Image Questionnaire Weekly
BPQBorderline Personality Questionnaire
DAST-10Drug Abuse Screening Test
DES-IIDissociative Experiences Scale - II
ESSEpworth Sleepiness Scale
GAD-7Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 Item
HAIHealth Anxiety Inventory
MDQMood Disorder Questionnaire
OCI-RObsessive-Compulsive Inventory - Revised
PCL-5PTSD Checklist
PDSS-SRPanic Disorder Severity Scale Self-Report
PHQ-15Patient Health Questionnaire - Physical Symptoms
PHQ-9Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 Item
SAST-RSexual Addictions Screening Test - Revised
SIASSocial Interaction Anxiety Scale
WFIRS-SWeiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale - Self-Report
WSASWork and Social Adjustment Scale
WSR-IIWeiss Symptom Record II
WURS-25Wender Utah Rating Scale - 25 Item
YMRSYoung Mania Rating Scale
ASRS-v1.1Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
GAD-7Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 Item
MDQMood Disorder Questionnaire
PCL-5PTSD Checklist
PHQ-9Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 Item
ASRMAltman Self-Rating Mania Scale
MDQMood Disorder Questionnaire
PHQ-9Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 Item
YMRSYoung Mania Rating Scale
DES-IIDissociative Experiences Scale - II
GAD-7Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 Item
HAIHealth Anxiety Inventory
OCI-RObsessive-Compulsive Inventory - Revised
PCL-5PTSD Checklist
PDSS-SRPanic Disorder Severity Scale Self-Report
SIASSocial Interaction Anxiety Scale
ASRS-v1.1Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
WFIRS-SWeiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale - Self-Report
WSR-IIWeiss Symptom Record II
WURS-25Wender Utah Rating Scale - 25 Item
AUDITAlcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
DAST-10Drug Abuse Screening Test
SAST-RSexual Addictions Screening Test - Revised
AQAutism-Spectrum Quotient - Adult
BIQBody Image Questionnaire Weekly
BPQBorderline Personality Questionnaire
ESSEpworth Sleepiness Scale
PHQ-15Patient Health Questionnaire - Physical Symptoms
WSASWork and Social Adjustment Scale

Self-report scales are for screening purposes only, and must be interpreted by a qualified health professional in conjunction with clinical assessment. They cannot be used alone for diagnostic or treatment purposes.

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